Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Tea Tree Oil & Your Skin

Normally I would reserve judgement or delay posting a review on something until I'd had longer to live with it. But yesterday I was watching a video on Youtube by Tati (GlamGuru) where she mentioned using tea tree oil on the skin. If you have a spot on your face that's from bacteria or product (and not from hormones) you can put tea tree on it to make it go away faster.

Of course, never put essential oils directly on your skin (neat) except for chamomile and maybe lavendar. They are potent and can cause serious damage or even create allergic reactions in you that weren't there before. Having said that, Tati recommended mixing the tea tree oil in with some coconut oil and then dabbing the mixture on with a cotton swab.

Fortunately I have those things at home already. I've been a practitioner of aromatherapy for years. I immediately mixed up a small batch to try out and did an allergy test on the crease in my arm.

All day long yesterday I'd been using a cheap crappy chapstick on my lips. I didn't have my nice Nivea stuff but didn't want my lips to dry out. By bedtime there was intense pain just above my upper lip where a spot was forming. It was irritated and irritating. Right away I thought of Tati's recommendation.

I was leary about putting it on my skin and leave it over night without ever having used it before, but my lip really hurt. So I dabbed some on and the pain stopped immediately. Seriously, right away. I thought, "What the heck?" and went to bed.

This morning? No spots and no marks on my lip.

Then after breakfast along my jawline I could feel irritation and another spot forming (it's almost that time of month, and this is the burden I bare). I ran downstairs and dabbed on some of Tati's oil and the itch went away. There's still a little bump but it's a whole lot less irritated and tempting for me to touch.

I'm giving this blend an A. In less than one day I've used it twice to great effect. I highly recommend.

I don't have an exact recipe, just dollop a tablespoon of coconut oil in a container with a lid and drop in maybe 10 to 15 drops of tea tree oil to suit your tastes. Mix very well and store in your medicine cabinet.

Good stuff!

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